R A D H I K A    M E G A N A T H A N


Radhika Meganathan

RADHIKA MEGANATHAN (she/they) is a writer, editor and translator based in Chennai. She has authored 12+ picture books, including the national award-winning Golden Mythology series. She’s the 2004 Highlights USA Fellowship recipient from India and a judge at Disney Pitchkiaw Contest in Mumbai 2011. Her debut novel The Gurukul Chronicles won at Pune International Literature Festival 2016, was launched at the Indian Consulate in New York and is repped by Story Ink, Mumbai.

Radhika currently consults as a script reader for production companies in India and USA. She owns and moderates Chennai Writers Circle and several critique circles. Check out her books at Amazon and Goodreads. Her website is www.radhikameganathan.in

H E M A    R A M A N


Hema Raman

Hema Raman’s short stories have won multiple prizes such as the 2007 CBA short story contest and 2010 Katha India Currents short story contest and have been published in magazines and anthologies. Her unpublished debut novel was shortlisted for the Tibor Jones South Asian Prize in 2012. She has been hibernating and working on her second novel.